What is Agribusiness?

a harvester fills a truck bed with corn

Agribusiness refers to the vast network of industries involved in agricultural production. It’s not just about growing crops or raising livestock; it encompasses everything from farm machinery and seed production to food processing, transportation, and marketing. Essentially, agribusiness is the business of agriculture from start to finish.

icon of a seed bag


The agribusiness industry coordinates critical items from the very beginning of the agricultural process. Seeds might come from a specialized seed company, or require fertilizers and pesticides.

tractor iconFarm

The ranks of agribusiness professionals includes many positions instrumental in the day to day management of farms, ranches, and fisheries.

icon of a siloProcessing

When harvest time comes, the product might be sold to a food processing company or a livestock feed manufacturer. Aggregators, processors, manufacturers, and other pillars of processing agricultural product are all supported by agribusiness professionals.

icon of a truck delivering goods


Well-managed supply chains are critical to keeping the agricultural industry moving, and distributors require skilled and detail-oriented professionals to ensure products reach consumers efficiently. 

icon of a grocery bagRetail and Consumers

Retailers, supermarkets, and restaurants all rely on a robust network of agribusiness professionals hard at work behind the scenes keeping our food supply safe, affordable, and sustainable.

For students interested in agriculture, economics, or business, studying agribusiness opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Whether you’re passionate about sustainable farming practices, technology in agriculture, global food systems, or public policy, agribusiness offers a diverse and dynamic field to explore.